Meet your obligations and disclose your impact with confidence.

Use NetNada to understand your climate disclosure obligations, prepare and file reports, and benchmark against peer companies.
*Access our free 2024 business sustainability pack

Numbers you can trust,
impact you can prove

Business carbon emissions management

Calculate your scope 1,2, and 3 emissions, and build custom action plans to work towards reduction with the support of our sustainability expert team.

Sustainability benchmark and 3rd-party certifications

Show your sustainability credentials with a strong public profile accessible by your most important clients and commit to CDP disclosures or SBTi targets.

Compliance and framework aligned reporting

Tackle double materiality and ensure ISSB aligned reporting. NetNada supports your sustainability team to get that job done.

Supply chain decarbonisation

NetNada streamlines supplier engagement to help you measure and tackle Scope 3 emissions. Work directly with suppliers with first solution dedicated to reducing supplier emissions at scale.
Meet your obligations

Get your business sustainability
ready in weeks, not months.

Connect with an expert

Get your own sustainability expert to help you onboard NetNada and on board you and your team in their sustainability pathway

Understand your obligation

Use NetNada to understand your climate disclosure obligations, calculate ESG metrics, prepare and file reports, and benchmark your disclosures against peer companies

Gather and centralise your data

Export from your systems or use of NetNada custom integrations to speed up data collection across multiple teams

Let NetNada run the numbers

Calculate scope 1, 2, and 3 based on local emissions factors and GHG protocol aligned categories. Upload custom LCAs or emissions factors

Audit your sustainability data

Share you results and data with auditors and bring key decision makers at any point of your assurance process.

Disclose and commit

Commit to SBTis, submit data to CDP, or sign off on a Carbon Committed Certification with our commission-free offsets

"I personally filled the CDP questionnaire. The main challenges was it was really hard for us to gather all the information, because all the pieces for climate disclosures are not stored on an online platform."

Ollie Nelson, Sustainability Associate
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Dashboard mockup

Learn more about NetNada and enterprise sustainability

Supply Chain
Discover how leading companies are taking action to decarbonise hteir supply chains through innovative supplier engagement strategies. The article explores the top 3 companies and their specific initiatives that effectively engage their suppliers.
Carbon Neutrality
Effectively engaging stakeholders require involving your team throughout the process. By empowering your team, along with other actions the this article explores, you can drive successful stakeholder engagement towards their vendor sustainability responses.
The CDP incentivises companies to disclose their environmental performance data based on 4 main pillars: climate change, water usage, deforestation risk, and plastic waste management. This article explores the CDP, their objectives and areas of focus, deep-diving into its questionnaires, step-by-step participation, and best practices to achieve a good CDP score.
Climate Disclosure
More and more companies are engaging with the SBTi to align their carbon emission reduction targets with the most up-to-date climate science research.This article explores the things you need to know to get started such as who the SBTi is, its key objectives and criteria in setting science-based targets, then dive into the specific steps of setting the targets, and more.

Get ahead with a carbon measurement you can trust

Join leading organisation around the world who can impress their clients
*Access our free 2024 business sustainability pack
NetNada Academy

Frequently asked sustainability and reporting related questions

Everything you need to know about emissions measurements for your business
Which companies have to report their emissions
Any organisation that wants to voluntary disclosure under the CDP, set an SBTi, or achieve carbon neutrality status. In addition certain company sizes and regions have mandated disclosures.

In Australia:

Australia is moving toward mandatory and standardised climate reporting. At a national level, the Australian Treasury released two consultation papers, and in October, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) released an exposure draft for Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS) which align closely with the ISSB’s IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 standards.

To prepare a CSRD report, companies need to complete double materiality assessments, collect vast amounts of sustainability data across business entities, and pass an independent audit. With reporting deadlines beginning in early 2025, the fastest, most scalable way to satisfy CSRD requirements is with software.

Comply with CSRD if business is happening in EU, state specific laws such as California's, or if certain amount of revenue comes from federal contracts.

Why should my company measure its carbon footprint?
Measuring your carbon footprint is deemed as a recognised first step when it comes to sustainable business practices. As commonly said "you can't change what you can't measure.

Also know as creating a carbon inventory for your business, measuring emissions will help you in:

Identifying Emission Sources: pinpoint the sources of their greenhouse gas emissions accurately. This identification is crucial for developing targeted strategies to reduce emissions effectively.

Setting Reduction Targets: By understanding their carbon footprint, organisations can set realistic and impactful reduction targets. When reduction strategies are put in place, there are many cost saving opportunities with varied ROI.

Winning New Clients: mature clients in specific industries and regions have reporting responsibilities that mandate that their vendors or service providers report ESG information including emissions data.

How does NetNada calculate my company’s emissions?
NetNada follows the advise of the international framework GHG protocol to calculate an organisation’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using a combination of two methodologies: spend-based and activity-based. Information from different systems including electricity, waste, spend, employee commute is required for accurate calculations. NetNada has many integrations and resources to speed up this process.
What does the NetNada platform offer?
NetNada Carbon Management platform offers an affordable and easy way to measure all the emissions associated with your business, support from sustainability experts, and all the resources you need to showcase your commitment with employees and clients alike.

NetNada is a cost and time saver when compared to traditional consultants and a more automated alternative to other carbon measurement software available in the US, AUS, and European market.

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