A transparent Carbon Neutrality certification

A clear framework for action. Get the support and tools you need to be get certified all in one place.
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Here's what you will need to do

01 Measure

Time to Complete
Small Organisations: 1-2 weeks
Large Organisations: 1-3 months (including data aggregation)

Measure emissions and understand the carbon impacts of all of your products and services your business offers - from cradle to customer.

This is where the process starts: It all starts here: with a complete and accurate inventory of your business carbon emissions. Your measurement will include Scopes 1, 2, and upstream Scope 3 emissions (per the Greenhouse Gas Protocol).

Common questions about scopes

What are scope 1,2 and 3 emissions
Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions represent the entirety of a carbon footprint from a company’s activities.  

Scope 1 are direct emissions that come from controlled facilities. This can include the fuel you use in company owned vehicles or machinery, the natural gas you use to heat your office space, or if you are a manufacturer any direct emissions from running owned manufacturing plants.

Scope 2 are indirect emissions. This is mostly your purchased electricity and can be estimated or calculated from invoices.

Scope 3 are indirect emissions from your supply chain – in other words, the products or services you buy to run your business. In most businesses, Scope 3 makes up a majority of a company’s footprint. This might include emissions released from extracting raw materials used for finished products, corporate business travel, employee commuting, shipping and transporting, and more.
What categories of scope 3 do I have to measure?
Our carbon neutral certification requires that you measure Scope 3 Categories 1-7 and 9 of the GHG protocol.
How does NetNada calculate my company’s emissions?
NetNada follows the advise of the international framework GHG protocol to calculate an organisation’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using a combination of two methodologies: spend-based and activity-based. Information from different systems including electricity, waste, spend, employee commute is required for accurate calculations. NetNada has many integrations and resources to speed up this process.

02 Commit

Time to Complete
1 week to develop plan
Short term target (1-2 years timeline)
Long term target (2030 target)

Create and commit to a emissions reduction action plan that states what scope/category you’re aiming to reduce, your target, the timeline for getting there. With our support, this plan will include a realistic explanation on how you will achieve this.

We require all organisations to develop and implement reduction action plans (RAPs) to reduce emissions over the next 12-24 months and a longer 5 year target.

Organisations with over $50M in annual revenues must set science aligned reduction targets under the Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to reduce emissions ~50% by 2030.

We offer guides, templates, and tools to help you determine where, and how, you can reduce your emissions.

Common questions about carbon reduction plans

What is a carbon reduction plan
A reduction action plan states wha you’re aiming to reduce, a clear target, the timetable for achieving it, and the steps that the organisation will take to achieve them.
Do all emissions reduction targets need to be quantifiable?
You don't have to specify your reduction objectives in terms of carbon tons, although it's advisable. For instance, stating "We'll transition our packaging to eco-friendly materials" is acceptable, but "We'll transition 50% of our packaging to biodegradable materials" is a more precise goal. Another effective approach is to adhere to Science Based Targets. For instance, setting a goal such as "We're pledging to use 100% renewable energy by 2022, which will decrease our Scope 2 emissions by 30 tons of carbon."
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03 Contribute

Time to Complete
1 week after selection of carbon offset portfolio

Achieve your Carbon Neutral Business Certification by purchasing eligible verified carbon and clean energy credits that counter act the result of your emissions calculations.

For the  Carbon Neutral Business Certification, you'll buy one carbon credit for every tonne of your organisations carbon emissions. Projects vary and include carbon removals as well as carbon avoidance projects like direct carbon removals or reforestation remove carbon from the atmosphere, while clean energy avoids emissions from fossil fuels.

Common questions about carbon credits and offsets

What is a carbon credit?
A carbon credit is a certificate generated when through innovation, legislation, or system one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is captured from the atmosphere or prevented from entering the atmosphere. Entities that create carbon eliminating or avoidance projects can request carbon credits, which are then verified by a third party, and sold to companies like yours.
Can I trust carbon credits and how are carbon credits verified?
Carbon credits part of the voluntary market are overseen through a range third-parties under published methodologies. NetNada relies on this system, with a couple of amendments to add confidence that we’re only recommending projects and offsets that are using trustworthy and rigorous standards.

These are the registries that are recognised under the 2024 Standard:

- Verified Carbon Standard
- American Carbon Registry
- Gold Standard
- Australian Carbon Credit Units

These 4 groups are leading registries and verifiers and ensure carbon credits meet the requirements for: real, permanent, quantifiable, verifiable, enforceable, and additional.

Everything you need for measuring emissions and setting targets

A complete platform to help calculate your business carbon footprint

Rapid importing

Streamline your measuring process by importing your file directly, saving valuable time in adding financial or physical flows for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

Integrate with top solutions

Show your sustainability credentials with a strong public profile accessible by your most important clients and commit to CDP disclosures or SBTi targets.

Custom emissions factors database

Besides accessing our global database of emission factors, NetNada supports any product specific emissions from your vendors including LCAs.

Certified results and reports

Easily share your results using a personalised sustainability page or have your numbers validated by an expert or third party to obtain certifications.
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Frequently asked sustainability and reporting related questions

Everything you need to know about emissions measurements for your business
Which companies have to report their emissions
Any organisation that wants to report to a client as part of a sales process, voluntary disclosure under the CDP, set an SBT target, create a sustainability strategy, or achieve carbon neutrality status.

In addition certain company sizes and regions have mandated disclosures.

In Australia:

Australia is moving toward mandatory and standardised climate reporting. At a national level, the Australian Treasury released two consultation papers, and in October, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) released an exposure draft for Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS) which align closely with the ISSB’s IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 standards.

To prepare a CSRD report, companies need to complete double materiality assessments, collect vast amounts of sustainability data across business entities, and pass an independent audit. With reporting deadlines beginning in early 2025, the fastest, most scalable way to satisfy CSRD requirements is with software.

Comply with CSRD if business is happening in EU, state specific laws such as California's, or if certain amount of revenue comes from federal contracts.

Why should my company measure its carbon footprint?
Measuring your carbon footprint is deemed as a recognised first step when it comes to sustainable business practices. As commonly said "you can't change what you can't measure.

Also know as creating a carbon inventory for your business, measuring emissions will help you in:

Identifying Emission Sources: pinpoint the sources of their greenhouse gas emissions accurately. This identification is crucial for developing targeted strategies to reduce emissions effectively.

Setting Reduction Targets: By understanding their carbon footprint, organisations can set realistic and impactful reduction targets. When reduction strategies are put in place, there are many cost saving opportunities with varied ROI.

Winning New Clients: mature clients in specific industries and regions have reporting responsibilities that mandate that their vendors or service providers report ESG information including emissions data.

How does NetNada calculate my company’s emissions?
NetNada follows the advise of the international framework GHG protocol to calculate an organisation’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using a combination of two methodologies: spend-based and activity-based. Information from different systems including electricity, waste, spend, employee commute is required for accurate calculations. NetNada has many integrations and resources to speed up this process.
What does the NetNada platform offer?
NetNada Carbon Management platform offers an affordable and easy way to measure all the emissions associated with your business, support from sustainability experts, and all the resources you need to showcase your commitment with employees and clients alike.

NetNada is a cost and time saver when compared to traditional consultants and a more automated alternative to other carbon measurement software available in the US, AUS, and European market.

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