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Discover the perfect sustainability framework for your business objectives by comparing the different most commonly used frameworks in Australia.

Know Which Sustainability Framework is Best for your Business Goals

In today's business landscape, sustainability has become a key consideration for companies across various industries. As organisations strive to minimise their environmental impact, promote social responsibility, and ensure long-term economic viability, it is crucial to adopt appropriate sustainability frameworks. These frameworks provide a structured approach to measure, manage, and report on sustainability goals. However, with the alphabet soup of sustainability frameworks, it can be challenging to identify the most suitable framework for your business objectives. In this article, we will explore different sustainability frameworks and guide you in choosing the right one for your industry and goals.

Understanding Sustainability Frameworks

Before diving into the specifics of sustainability frameworks, let’s establish the foundation and understand the overall concept. A sustainability framework serves as a roadmap for organisations to integrate sustainability into their operations, strategy, and decision-making processes. It provides a structured approach to address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors and assess their impact on business performance. Sustainability frameworks typically include key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and facilitate transparent reporting.

Sustainability Frameworks vs Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability reporting is the process of measuring, disclosing, and communicating an organisation's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. It involves gathering data and information related to a company's impact on the planet, people, and profits. By reporting on their sustainability efforts, organisations demonstrate their commitment to responsible business practices and accountability.

Sustainability reporting offers several benefits for businesses. It enhances their reputation, improves stakeholder trust, attracts investors, identifies operational efficiencies, reduces risks, and drives innovation. It also helps companies adapt to changing market dynamics and meet customer expectations.

On the other hand, a Sustainability Framework is needed before a company is able to produce and publish a sustainability report. To ensure that a report is well-structured and contains the necessary information that is material to its industry, a company must choose a framework to pattern its report after. There are several well-known sustainability frameworks, each with its unique focus and methodology. By understanding these frameworks, you can determine which one aligns best with your company's values, industry, and business objectives.

Evaluating the Triple Bottom Line Approach to the ESG Framework

The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach is one of the most widely recognised approaches to sustainability frameworks. It emphasises the importance of considering three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic. In some contexts, 'economic' is used instead of 'governance'. While this generally reflects a similar concept, the ESG framework incorporates a more inclusive set of responsibilities for organisations by explicitly including 'governance.'

Governance in the ESG framework goes beyond traditional economic metrics. It encompasses the economic and financial responsibilities of a firm while also addressing how companies interact with a wide range of external stakeholders, including competitors, suppliers, shareholders, and governments. This broader view ensures that companies operate within a framework of accountability and fairness, making decisions that are ethically sound and economically viable.

Corporate governance is not just about adhering to social responsibilities; it is intrinsically linked to economic aspects, particularly in terms of delivering higher returns for shareholders. Good governance practices are often associated with improved financial performance, making governance an economic concern as much as a social one. Prudent investors consider governance factors because they have a direct impact on potential returns.

Effective corporate governance ensures that companies engage responsibly with all stakeholders and adhere to principles of transparency and accountability. This approach mitigates risks and enhances long-term value for shareholders, highlighting that good governance is about optimising economic outcomes for investors as well as fulfilling social responsibilities.

By evaluating outcomes in environmental, social, and governance areas, companies can achieve a holistic perspective on their performance and impact. Both the TBL and ESG approaches encourage organisations to move beyond solely focusing on financial gains and consider their ecological and social footprints. This balanced decision-making process ensures that sustainability objectives are not overshadowed by short-term financial gains.

Aligning Sustainability Goals with Business Objectives

When selecting a sustainability framework, it is crucial to align the chosen approach with your business objectives. Sustainability goals that are not closely linked to your company's strategy may lack relevance and fail to garner support from key stakeholders. Moreover, it could misdirect resources to things that lack materiality to your business which can end up wasting cost expenses.

Start by identifying your organisation's core values and long-term vision. Consider how sustainability can contribute to your overall business strategy and enhance your competitive advantage. By aligning your sustainability goals with your business objectives, you can create a cohesive framework that drives meaningful change.

Furthermore, integrating sustainability into your business model can lead to cost savings and operational efficiencies. For example, implementing energy-efficient practices not only reduces your environmental impact but also lowers utility bills, ultimately improving your bottom line. Embracing sustainable practices can also attract environmentally conscious consumers who prefer to support eco-friendly businesses.

Moreover, aligning sustainability goals with business objectives can foster innovation within your organisation. By setting ambitious sustainability targets that challenge the status quo, you can inspire creativity and problem-solving among your employees. Encouraging a culture of sustainability can lead to the development of new products, services, and processes that differentiate your company in the market and drive growth.

Comparing Different Sustainability Standards

There are a lot of existing sustainability frameworks, each having its own scope, purpose, and focus. Some standards are designed to address general aspects of sustainability–making it easier to follow or be used as a guide for broader audiences. The ones that we discuss in this article are designed to address more specific aspects of sustainability and cater to the needs of different industries and stakeholders. This list is based on the most relevant and the most utilised frameworks in Australia–which NetNada also has used to integrate into their methodologies and software. By comparing these frameworks, you can identify the one that best suits your organisation's requirements. Within the ESG landscape, several frameworks stand out, offering guidance on environmental reporting, climate disclosure, and sustainable business practices.

A matrix chart of Sustainability Frameworks and whether or not they contain Environmental, Social, Governance, or Financial Disclosure requirements.

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) focuses on measuring and reporting on greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and forest conservation. It provides companies with valuable insights into their environmental impacts and helps identify areas for improvement. Under Governance, they require disclosure of environmental responsibility policies and initiatives among others. They also require, under the business strategy module, engagement among the value chain as well as collaborative opportunities between suppliers held by their Supply Chain program. Read more about how to get started with CDP.

The Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) provides a framework for setting greenhouse gas reduction targets that are in line with climate science. By adopting science-based targets, companies can contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change. Get started with the SBTi.

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) offers guidelines for disclosing climate-related financial risks and opportunities. By integrating climate considerations into financial reporting, companies can enhance transparency and improve decision-making. Under governance, the TCFD recommends disclosing the board’s oversight and the management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) falls more on general standards, hence encompassing E, S, and G, and financial reporting. Its main focus is to develop a comprehensive set of internationally accepted sustainability reporting standards–ensuring alignment and cohesiveness between standards. They aim to provide consistency and comparability in sustainability reporting, enabling better assessment of companies' ESG performance.

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) developed by the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development provides a widely accepted methodology for measuring, accounting, and managing greenhouse gas emissions. This protocol categorises greenhouse gas emissions by Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3. NetNada’s methodology is patterned after this.

Australia's Climate Active is not a standard nor framework, it is a certification program that incentivises organisations to measure, reduce, and offset their carbon footprint. It provides recognition for businesses taking proactive steps to address climate change. We have decided to include this in this list to give you a wider view of the services that we offer at NetNada. Aside from helping your company account for your emissions and adhere to frameworks, we also strive to help your company achieve certifications for carbon neutrality

Choosing the Right Sustainability Framework for Your Industry

Each industry has its unique sustainability challenges and opportunities. It is important to choose a framework that considers your industry's specific requirements and enables you to address relevant ESG issues effectively. Below you will find each framework and the possible industries that are relevant to it. Note that this is a general guide and we highly recommend you book a free demo with NetNada and allow our industry experts to find the best fit for your company.

A table of Sustainability Frameworks with descriptions of their main purpose, primary focus, and the common industries that engage with them.

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)

Manufacturing: Focuses on energy consumption, waste management, and emission reduction strategies.

Automotive: Addresses environmental impacts throughout the supply chain, from production to end-of-life vehicle management.

Retail: Deals with supply chain sustainability, waste reduction, and consumer transparency.

SBTi (Science-Based Targets initiative)

Energy: Sets targets for reducing carbon emissions in line with global climate goals.

Aerospace: Develops targets for reducing emissions from production and flight operations.

Food and Beverage: Establishes targets for reducing emissions from agriculture, production, and transportation.

TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

Financial Services: Integrates climate risk into financial decision-making and disclosures.

Insurance: Assesses and discloses climate-related risks impacting underwriting and investments.

Real Estate: Manages and discloses climate risks affecting property values and investment returns.

ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board)

Banking: Comprehensive ESG reporting for risk management, regulatory compliance, and investor transparency.

Pharmaceuticals: Detailed ESG reporting covering environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices.

Telecommunications: Integrated reporting on environmental impact, social factors, and governance across global operations.

GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol)

Utilities: Detailed GHG accounting for regulatory compliance and emissions management.

Transportation and Logistics: GHG measurement and management across transportation networks and logistics operations.

Chemicals: Emissions tracking and reduction strategies for chemical production processes.

Climate Active

Tourism: Certification of carbon neutrality to attract eco-conscious travellers and reduce environmental impacts.

Retail: Achieving carbon neutrality to meet consumer demand for sustainable practices.

Construction: Certification supports sustainable building practices and enhances market competitiveness.

Criteria for Evaluating the Suitability of an ESG Framework for Your Company

When evaluating different sustainability frameworks, consider these several factors to ensure the chosen framework suits your company's needs.

  1. Credibility and Recognition

One crucial aspect to consider is the credibility and recognition of the framework. Choose a framework that is widely accepted in your industry and has a strong reputation. This recognition ensures your sustainability efforts are taken seriously by stakeholders.

  1. Specifics and Alignment

Additionally, assess the level of detail and specificity the framework offers. Determine if it aligns with your company's reporting capabilities and data availability. A framework that complements your existing systems and processes will enhance efficiency and accuracy.

  1. Scalability

Moreover, consider the scalability of the framework. Ensure it accommodates your company's growth and can be implemented consistently across different business units and geographical locations.

  1. Reviews or Feedback

Finally, seek feedback from industry peers and experts who have previously used the framework. Their insights can provide valuable guidance and shed light on potential challenges and opportunities.


In conclusion, selecting the right sustainability framework requires careful consideration of your company's goals, industry, and reporting requirements. By understanding different frameworks and assessing their suitability, you can make an informed decision that aligns sustainability with your overall business strategy. From CDP’s emphasis on environmental transparency to the TCFD’s integration of climate-related financial risks, you can determine which framework aligns best with your industry, values, and business objectives. Whether aiming for carbon neutrality with Climate Active certification or setting science-based targets with the SBTi, selecting the right framework helps enhance reputation, improve stakeholder trust, attract investors, and drive innovation. 

Remember, sustainability is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it must be tailored to address your unique challenges and opportunities. Choose wisely, and embark on a journey towards a more sustainable future. Consider booking a free demo with NetNada so we can help your company find the best framework that fits your business and sustainability goals.

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